Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Everyday Woes

Haven't written in a while!
Well, life's the same. Sucks like always. We all have the same woes. We love someone, who either doesn't love us back or not the kind of love we desire. And we're either thin, fat, short or tall. Or there's the internship we wished we had. Or the college we didn't make to.Pick your woe!
The fact that I'm writing about it, means I suffer from it. And not just one, but all of the above listed ailments. Teenage, I tell you!
I should be studying for my business test right now, but who cares? I'll probably pull an all-nighter and finish.
Getting back to my whiny land, why can't life be simple? Why do we need love at all?
I thought blogging was addictive. My blog is so uninteresting. I prefer facebook to this place. Guess, I haven't discovered the magic of blogging.
So, I'll sign off until I'm inspired enough to write some more crap

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