Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Anthropology Essay #5

Inayat Kaur
ANT 1001 TV24A/ Gaunt
2nd Year (Finance)

Step 1
Try googling, " Life without fathers." I tried. And till the fourteenth page of search results, every single result is a reference to this chapter.
Step 2
Next, try asking the librarians about a tribe or community whose structure is somewhat similar to the Na in China. I spent an hour or probably more. Result: No success!
Step 3
Continue to be amazed. I am still like, Wow!

The Na tribe in China is truly one of a kind. And they sure are unique. Before reading this chapter, I always thought 'Marriage' was a cultural universal. This beats the shit out of Gay Marrriage, Plural Marriage and Live-in Relationships!

It's a pity that the goverment is trying to change the Na culture. If these people have sutained till the 20th century, that means they don't need to change. As an Anthropology student, I wish to retain the cultural uniqueness. I guess it's too late. But I'm so fascinated. I would like to read more about them.

1 comment:

Kyra Gaunt, Ph.D. said...

Did you see the videos I posted on our group blog about a similar group like the Na also in China?