Saturday, May 16, 2009


Inayat Kaur
ANT 1001 TV24A/ Gaunt
2nd Year (Finance)
Refugees and Refugee Camps are not alien to me. In 1947, India and Pakistan became two different countries and resulted in a large number of refugess. There have been quite a few movies on the subject. I know a lot of people who were forced to leav Pakistan because they were not Muslims and they had to leave behind everything including their house, business, wealth etc. And they received no compensation for their loss.
As refugees, you come with a lot of emotional baggage. It would do them good, if they could live in close proximity of people from the same nation or culture. However, the American Government's policy of forced assimilation, although harsh is not such a bad idea. It forces one to get out and talk to the neighbours. And it helps people break barriers. If you just care to listen, everyone has a story!
I can feel Thok's pain. The struggle that he has to go through. It's not easy living in a new place. But at the same time, struggle ennobles you. You discover your own potential. As human beings, we are blessed with the ability to do whatever we want to. It's just a matter of belief.

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